Sunday, 23 January 2011

Do not buy a house without first checking its condition - could save you misery and money!!

Why buy a house without first checking it is structurally sound?  You would not look to buy a car without making sure it was roadworthy. When you buy a property (other than a new home) you will not have any remedies against your seller if you find out that there is something wrong with the property after you have bought it. It is what we call ‘Buyer beware’.

For this reason we always at MJP Solicitors advise those looking to purchase to obtain a survey. There are various different types of survey.

The most basic is a mortgage valuation. Here the mortgage company surveys the property to ensure that is it worth what they are lending to you. They are not worried about any money that you are putting in and you are not able to rely on these to the same extent as you would a more thorough (and costly) survey.  These reports should not therefore be relied upon. 

The most common form of survey, and the one we recommend, is a homebuyers report. This is much more detailed than the simple valuation and will give you details of e.g. damp problems and roofing issues. You can rely more on this more thorough type of survey. They cost around £350 and represent a sound investment.  To know what you are buying before committing to a property is a must for any home buyer.

At MJP we can organise a Home Buyers Report for you.    We will be paid a commission for putting you in touch with a surveyor.  This is usually around £50.  We make a commitment to share this commission with you if you instruct the surveyor through us.  This all helps to reduce your moving costs.

Our fee for dealing with the legals involved in moving start from as low as £200. For further details please contact

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